Tuesday, April 19, 2011

oh weekend!!

Tuve buen fin de semana, jugos de diferentes vegetales, flores que me ha regalado mi madre, un poco de bordado, un poco de todo.... relax totalmente... PS has visto que mi hermana tiene un giveaway!? no!? pues es tu oportunidad de participar en el!! por su 2do aniversario de su blog!! felicidades por ella!!!

I had a really good weekend, i drank a very different kind of juices of vegatables, got a bouquet of flowers from my mom, a did a little bit of embroidery, a little bit of everything.... in totally relax...PS have you seen that my sister got a giveaway?! well, you can have the oportunity to get in!! is her 2nd aniversary of her blog!! hurray for my sister!!!

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