Thursday, August 30, 2012

Go to the Market...

Me gusta ir al mercado, pero no me entiendan mal, no me gustan mucho los supermercados, vaya sólo si es muy necesario, pero si vas a un mercado tradicional de México o un tianguis, te llevarás una sorpresa en colores, olores y sabores... fuí recientemente sólo por el mero placer visual aunque no lo pude evitar y salí de ahi dándole gusto a mis antojos...
I like to go to the market, but don't get me wrong, i do not like the supermarket, well, only if i don't have another choice, but if you go to a very traditional market in Mexico or a tianguis (a street market) you will have a surprise in colors, scents and flavors... i went recently just because, i like to my own visual pleasure, although i couldn't help myself and i went back home with a treat for myself...

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