Monday, August 29, 2016


This post may look like sponsored but not, the reason that i want to write it is because i'm pretty happy with it... Since a year and a half i've been washing my hair with just baking soda y apple cider vinegar, it was a radical change because, well, who doesn't love the nice scent of shampoo right? well, i like it too, but i like my hair looks healthy and i couldn't find it in any shampoo, plus! with this method my hair grows incredibly fast and is thicker... Not really into it? well, is eco-friendly :)
Before to try it i read a lot of blogs talking about no-poo method, all of them tells the big benefits of this, just a few persons talk about how this ruin their hair (coincidence or not but the persons who try it was just women), and yes, i was a little bit frustrated the first 2 weeks because my hair was so frisky but well, but like everything, it takes time...
And yes, this is not a sponsored post but a conscious one..

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